MonFri8:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN- Unless otherwise noted in the Weekly Parish Bulletin.
Upcoming Holy Days
Ash Wednesday
March 5:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN4:00 PMEnglishEnglishENService Distribution of Ashes7:00 PMEnglishEnglishEN
Sacrament of Reconcliation
Saturday:4:00 PM to 4:45 PM
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday of the month (September thru May) following the 8:00 AM Liturgy until 9:00 AM. (Adoration is not held during the months of June, July and August)
We are a Roman Catholic Community of believers in Jesus Christ, in the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey, under the leadership of our Bishop, the Most Reverend Kevin J. Sweeney, D.D.
We are located in the lovely small community of Ogdensburg, New Jersey nestled between Sparta and Franklin in bucolic Sussex County, New Jersey. If you are planning on moving into the Ogdensburg area, we invite you to consider Saint Thomas of Aquin as your parish home.
The information you will gather from these pages will enable you to know better who we are as a Parish Community and how we work to proclaim the message of the Lord Jesus in our midst.
Whether you are a member of our community, someone new to our community, or someone just surfing the net, you are welcome to come and join us as a loving family who gathers to give thanks and praise to our all-loving God who directs and guides our days.
Your are invited to look through the pages of our website and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or by visiting us at our Parish Office on Monday, Wednesday or Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM and it will be our pleasure to assist you.